Red in culture of persia, BluePersianDesign
Red in culture of Persia.
Red is one of the colors which is very important in Persian culture and here we say some examples of using this color in one of the most important and mythical books of Persia"Shahnameh Ferdosi"
After the color white, red is the most used color in this book and is the symbol of life and fire of death and red warm flames of life. The concept of red mentioned 468 times in Shahname Ferdosi. Sometimes mentioned the exact word of red"Sorkh" and sometimes mentioned indirectly like using the flowers, Diamonds, blood and natural stuff which represent red color.
Ferdosi"the poet" used red more than120 time as a symbol of beauty. Also red color is a symbol of love,for example, in the story of Zal and Roodabeh, the gifts are red and camels which carry them have red hair and the Sheild of warriors which came for welcoming is red.
Even sometimes red can be represented as evil energies like the red color in the eyes of the dragon.
زال و رودابه:
همه پيكرش سرخ ياقوت و زر
شده زر همه ناپديد از گهر
(ج1، ص183،ب74) [4]
صد اشتر همه مادهي سرخموي
صد اشتر همه باركش، راهجوي
(ج1،ص209، ب114)
حمايل يكي دشنه اندر برش
ز ياقوت سرخ افسري بر سرش
(ج1، ص173، ب570)
سياوش و فرنگيس:
همه پيكرش سرخ كرده به زر
بر او بافته چند گونه گهر
(ج3، ص100،ب1527)
هزار اشتر بختي سرخموي
بنه بر نهادند با رنگ و بوي
(ج3، ص111، ب1721)
شاپور ومالكه:
ز ياقوت سرخ افسري بر سرش
درخشان ز زربفت چيني برش
(ج7، ص225، ب108)
خسروپرويز و شيرين:
يكي از برش سرخ ديباي روم
همه پيكرش گوهر و زر بوم
ج9، ص213، ب3412)
هداياي تولد شيرويه:
بياورد سيصد شتر سرخموي
سيهچشم و آراسته راهجوي
(ج9، ص209، ب3353
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